Wazzuup?? We've been movin' a lot again the last few days. A ten hour busride brought us from crazy Ciudad de Mexico to Villahermosa, where we split up. Nick choose to go to San Cristobal de Las Casas, I opted for Palenque. Since then I've seen a whole bunch of deep-into-the jungle-burried-lost-but-not-forgotten Maya cities. Crazy beautiful stuff! Sunday I went to tiny Belize with Toko, Finnish dude. On the upside, I've got some nice Belize stamps in my passport now. Downside is my Belize City bed turned out to be filled with bed bugs, pure horror!! A fifteen hour scratching journey took me from Belize to Antigua, Guatemala.
Nick just chilled out in the Zappatista town of San Cristobal and then took a twelve hour busride to Antigua, where he wisely continued his chillin' and awaited my arrival.

So far, we've traveled one month. Time for some staggering statistics:
quetzal bird
shooting star
FBI in action
woman with beard
motorcycle rides: 1 hour
boat trips: 2 hours
metro rides: 3 hours
metro rides: 3 hours
taxi rides: 3 hours
bicycle rides: 4 hours
train rides: 11 hours
train rides: 11 hours
flights: 13 hours
busrides: 93 hours
walking: didn't count
money spent: $1800 each
money spent: $1800 each
items lost: Nick: sunglasses; Sebastian: sweater, sunscreen, cellphone
lucky shots: car rental company forgot to charge $300, Nick won $5 on a Vegas bus for knowin' the capital of Tasmania, Sebastiaan intercepted fraude at the Guatemala-Belize border: $3
lucky shots: car rental company forgot to charge $300, Nick won $5 on a Vegas bus for knowin' the capital of Tasmania, Sebastiaan intercepted fraude at the Guatemala-Belize border: $3